Acupuncture – A health therapy technique that simulates specific points of the body by inserting extremely fine needles.
Acute pain – A pain that is short lasting.
Bursitis – When the fluid filled sacs that are positioned over joints, called bursa, become swollen and inflamed.
Chiropractor – A practitioner of the area of medicine that treats the misalignment of joints.
Coccyx – A small triangular bone at the base of the spinal column.
Chronic – A pain that is long-lasting, generally considered to be in excess of 6 months.
Golfers elbow- A pain caused by inflammation of the tendons that connect the forearm to the elbow.
Hot rock therapy – Heated rocks are placed along specific areas of the body to soothe tired sore muscles and stimulate circulation.
Ligaments – Fibrous tissue that connect bones or cartilages together.
Lumbar – Refers to the five lumbar vertebrae. Generally regarded as the lower part of the back.
Lordosis – Excessive curvature of the spine.
Migraine – A severe headache with a throbbing sensation on one side of the head
Massage – The rubbing and kneading of muscles and joints to relieve tension or pain.
Nerve – A group of fibres in the body that send impulses to the brain or spinal cord.
Posture – The position and shape that someone holds their body in.
Podiatry – The care and treatment of the human foot.
Pilates – Exercises and stretches that are designed to strengthen the core muscles of the torso.
Scoliosis – A medical term that refers to spinal curvatures. Scoliosis is a condition that almost always begins in early childhood. And it is exceedingly rare. In fact, only about 5 out of 1,000.
Spinal column – The collective term for the bones of your back. It acts as protection for the spinal cord and allows the body to flex and bend in various directions.
Tendons – Flexible cords of collagen that attaches tissues to the bone.
Vertebrae – A series of small bones that form the backbone.
Whiplash – An injury caused to the neck by a severe jolt-like movement.
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