The benefits of acupuncture

Acupuncture is a treatment derived from an ancient Chinese method that uses needles 4 times finer than a sewing needle. The treatment works by stimulating sensory nerves of the body under the skin and muscles. This helps to reduce tension in the muscles by causing the body to produce and release natural substances such as pain relieving endorphins.

The acupuncture treatment has many benefits, commonly for, but not limited to, chronic pain, joint pain and dental pain. There are many more benefits to the human body that acupuncture provides, including:

Sessions of electroacupuncture (which involves a small electric current applied through the needles) within 4 weeks may reduce the number of monthly migraines.

Acupuncture can also help for hay-fever and allergies. For season long allergy sufferers, acupuncture sessions reduced the symptoms for the patients and allowed them to use antihistamines less often.

Acupuncture sessions over the course of a month can treat acid reflux disease and soothed heartburn better than some medication. This is possible due to regulating the acid secreting and speeding up digestion.

Immune System
Well-placed needles can boost the activity of the immune cells that seek out and destroy infections.

5 weeks of acupuncture treatment relieves lower back discomfort in some cases up to 6 months.

Acupuncture boosts the production of neurotransmitter that are associated with relaxation and sleep, helping to combat insomnia and help its sufferers get better sleep.

Once weekly acupuncture sessions may ease depression within 3 months, likely due to the fact it regulates happy-making neurotransmitters in your brain.

The treatment will depend on your medical diagnosis, but our acupuncture procedure can be completely tailored to suit you and get the best results for you.

At Morley Chiropractor Clinic, typical treatment sessions usually last for 45 minutes. The number of treatments varies from patient to patient depending on the nature and complexity of the condition. For more information on our acupuncturists or our other range of services, call the team at Morley now on 0113 238 3693.

Contact Us

0113 238 3693

Bruntcliffe Road
West Yorkshire
LS27 0LQ

Opening Times

  • Monday: 8am to 7pm
  • Tuesday: 8am to 7pm
  • Wednesday: 8am to 7pm
  • Thursday: 8am to 7pm
  • Friday: 8am to 6pm
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed